Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu

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VULAVAN VULAGAM is an Agricultural Domain project which enables as the communication between Farmers and Buyers of the Agricultural Project. Online Payment Process enhances the Application more Powerful by using Rest API's. Sharing Current Affairs on Agricultural Domain is Add On to the Project. ...learn more

Project status: Published/In Market

oneAPI, Mobile

Student Developers for oneAPI

Overview / Usage

VULAVAN VULAGAM is an Agricultural Domain project which enables as the communication between Farmers and Buyers of the Agricultural Project. Online Payment Process enhances the Application more Powerful by using Rest API's. Sharing Current Affairs on Agricultural Domain is Add On to the Project where

  1. Agriculture Product Availability at the right time for buyers is easily known.

  2. Business is made more comfortable.

  3. Product Selling for the Farmers is done in more Efficient Manner.

  4. Current Affairs in Agricultural Domain is Published which is very Helpful.

Methodology / Approach

The Project has been segregated into two parts namely client side and server side. The Client Side Application provides the pathway for Interaction between Farmers and Agri Product Buyers. All the Current Affairs on the Agricultural Domain is published in Client Side of the Application. Coming to Server Side of the Application, it performs the operation of mapping appropriate responses to every request raised from the client side. The Storage part is mainly made in MongoDB which enables sharding.

Frameworks :

  1. Node js, Express js -Server Side

  2. React js - Client Side

  3. MongoDB - DataBase

  4. Postman - Triggering Rest API's

  5. VS Code - Editor

Techniques :

  1. Sharding

  2. Routing

  3. Optimal Quering

  4. Session Maintanence

  5. Async Await

Technologies Used

Technologies Used are :

  1. Node js, Express js -Server Side

  2. React js - Client Side

  3. MongoDB - DataBase

  4. Postman - Triggering Rest API's

  5. VS Code - Editor

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