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Autism detection API

URL: https://github.com/ritabratamaiti/Autism-Detection-API


To find out the best machine learning pipeline for predicting ASD cases using genetic algorithms, via the TPOT library. (Classification Problem) Compare the accuracy of the accuracy of the determined pipeline, with a standard Naive-Bayes classifier. Saving the classifier as an external file, and use this file in a Flask API to make predictions in the cloud.


Determining the best classifier for predicting the value of a boolean field on a blood donor database using genetic algorithms

URL: https://github.com/ritabratamaiti/Blooddonorprediction


Published Under AI for Humanity Initiative We use Support Vector Classification(SVC), from the linear model we import Perceptron. We also used the K.neighborsclassifier and the decision tree classifiers. Furthermore, we use the TPOT library to find an optimized pipeline using genetic algorithms. Using the above classifiers, we score each one of them using k fold cross-validation.


Hand Gesture Recognition Using Neural Networks and Image Processing

URL: https://github.com/TEJASNARAYANS


A technical paper for recognizing hand gestures using Image Processing Techniques, Sobel edge detection, Skin segmentation ,Data acquisition methods ,Feature Extraction of Neural Networks, Implementation of Neural Networks, Convolution Neural Networks(CNN).


Compositional Sentence Embedding Using Deep Learning

URL: https://github.com/divyakmadhavan/sentenceEmb


Given a corpus of sentences, create a fixed length vector representation of each sentence which best represents the sentence in terms of semantic and syntactic correctness. Try both supervised (given class labels like sentiment as- sociated with each sentence/phrase ) and unsupervised( you just have a big document of sentences) methods.
