Artificial intelligence and computer vision
Presentation in the public ministry. The content presented was computer vision and deep learning solutions with openCV, openVINO and oneAPI
Presentation in the public ministry. The content presented was computer vision and deep learning solutions with openCV, openVINO and oneAPI
Presentation in the public ministry. The content presented was computer vision and deep learning solutions with openCV, openVINO and oneAPI.
Presentation in the public ministry. The content presented was computer vision and deep learning solutions with openCV, openVINO and oneAPI.
Presentation in the public ministry. The content presented was computer vision and deep learning solutions with openCV, openVINO and oneAPI.
The Certiface product development team, today received information about Intel® DevCloud Technology to perform run tests in Cluster with the latest Intel hardware and software on the market. The DevCloud is a cluster of Intel® Xeon® Scalable Processors that will assist you with your machine learning and deep learning training and inference compute needs. It provides access to precompiled software optimized for Intel® architecture on Intel® Xeon® Scalable Processors. The company OITI TECHNOLOG...
I talked superficially concepts about computer vision, showed some practical examples, useful applications as medicine recognition, document recognition and examples about Smart Cities. I talked succinctly about the advantage of OpenVINO and VPU technologies. More than 270 people attended the webinar, and I received many congratulations emails about event.
The II Artificial Intelligence Symposium event happened on May 30th, 2019. I talked about how to use Artificial intelligence and the openCV library, some concepts, computing vision techniques for programers not to use deep learning in all solutions. I talked superficially about openCV library history. I also showed concepts about colors, images, compilation directive, fundamentals about False Accept Rate and False Reject Rate (FAR/FRR), gray scale, histogram, binarization, filter, pixel...
I made a video about IoT and Smart Cities to influence the market with the OpenVINO technology. The video shows the possibility of tracking vehicles, pedestrians and also detecting collision, So in case of accident, the Smart Cities project software can automatically call the police, ambulance and family members.
I worked on the divulgation of OpenVINO technologies in 3 different technology portals, with more than 3000 accesses/readers.
Test to develop imagination with Minecraft MOD, which allows you to run python and openCV in real time in the game.