IoT, Deep Learning and Machine Learning
IoT, Deep Learning and Machine Learning (Speakerships) (IoT)
IoT, Deep Learning and Machine Learning (Speakerships) (IoT)
Keynote - AICTE Faculty Development - ML/DL (Booth) (IoT)
IEI - Salem - IoT and AI - Future is here (Speakerships) (IoT)
Building Affordable IoT Products (Speaking) (IoT)
Blockchain and It's usecases (Webinar) (IoT)
Keynote Delivery - IoT Real-Time application development (Webinar) (IoT)
Deep Learning - Product Building (Booth) (IoT)
Machine Learning and Deep Learning - As it has to be (Speakerships) (IoT)
IOT complete implementation cycke (Speakerships) (IoT)
Innovations with IoT (Webinar) (IoT)
AICTE / ISTE online FDP (Webinar) (IoT)
Deep Learning Models (Webinar) (IoT)
Deep Learning for Autombiles (Booth) (IoT)
AI for agriculture (Webinar) (IoT)
IoT - Webinar - AICTE Sponsored (Booth) (IoT)
AI for agriculture (Webinar) (IoT)
Keynote Speaker - AICTE Faculty Development - ML and DL. (Webinar) (IoT)
Talk on AI, ML and DL (Webinar) (IoT)
Talk on AI for Agriculture (Speakerships) (IoT)
Cloud Computing for Mechanical Engineers (Training) (IoT)