This space represents the passionate and talented work from developers, digital artists, designers, media technicians, and creator enthusiasts crafting inspirational work processed through one or more Intel technologies.
Audio Spectrum Visualization is a Python project that visualizes real-time audio input as a spectrum using Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). It provides an interactive and dynamic interface for users to start the visualization and exit the program.
This is a project regarding the use of Artificial Intelligence in reducing the effort and time of taking attendance by scanning the face of the registered user. This is in the developing phase with integration of college cameras in classes for many classes. The GUI also shows the details like the
SongifyVox is an innovative voice conversion app powered by PyTorch, Intel@ One API a cutting-edge deep learning framework. This revolutionary application allows users to transform their recorded voices by choosing their favorite AI artist into captivating songs with the help of AI algorithms.
Image segmentation of luxury cars, worked on the Intel OpenVINO notebook with Python, Matplotlib, training the model, uploading the photo, masking the photo, to change the image color.
Welcome to TransData Rapid growth in the service and technology sectors and the heightened competition in the market have resulted in the need for businesses to increase productivity, integrate all available information, and improve the standard of customization.
Smart Kart uses IoT to reduce queues in malls with a smart cart. Products are automatically scanned and added to the bill when placed in the cart. No manual scanning, faster checkout. IoT enhances the shopping experience, minimizing queues, and satisfying customers.
The project involves using brain-machine computing to predict emotions. This likely involves using brainwave data to identify patterns that correspond with different emotional states.
The project is currently in progress, i am still collecting data, developing algorithms........
Individual initiative in Brazil of the world's first Linux image with native kernel 6.2-rc5 or higher with Intel ARC stable open source driver. All GPU detection procedure takes place automatically during installation.
Rasty is a wrapper around Ospray that offers a way to render geo-spatial data with information about the location mapped onto the meshes via a colormap. The expected input data is a geotiff file and a netcdf file.
Project on making a system using oneAPI Deep Neural Network Library to check and assess the answer sheets of thousands of candidates for various tests for organizations using ML/DL techniques
Dataset: with the help of the MNIST dataset
This is a program i designed to plot the Mandelbrot set, it can do this either with 1 thread, all threads or utilising SYCL via intels DPC++ compiler included in OneAPI toolkit to use GPU acceleration.