With this smart band will be able to control smart devices at home by simply pointing your hand t... Private 1 0 0 Smart Band for controlling IOT enabled devices using finger snap detection. Barshan Paul Created: 07/13/2019
Rover with IR leveled active suspension,rear wheel anti-steered wheels along with piezoelectric w... 0 0 0 Minor modifications to modern wheel Barshan Paul Created: 05/09/2019
This is an AI assistant mainly targeted to help people suffering with loneliness,anxiety and depr... Private 0 0 0 A more natural, more spontaneous and smarter virtual assistant. Barshan Paul Created: 04/29/2019
This project is mainly aimed towards a more user friendly experience while using any high end 3d... Private 0 0 3 AI to handle professional level 3d designing on 3d model rendering softwares like Blender 3D Barshan Paul Created: 05/08/2019
AI to handle a stock investment of an investor by following trends in stock market and invest and... 0 0 0 AI to handle a stock investment of an investor Barshan Paul Created: 04/29/2019