I would like to create a prototype to read sign language in italian and be able to put the subti... 1 0 1 Convert Sign Language for use with Google Home Biagio Luca Zingales Ali Created: 06/04/2019
3D video game to learn sign language by playing and learning simple phrases within a virtual envi... 2 0 0 3D Sign Language Game with Intel Iris Xe MAX Biagio Luca Zingales Ali Created: 12/09/2020
Creare una ChatBot che possa essere usato dalla Pubblica Amministreazione Italiana sui sito ad es... 2 1 0 Chatbot per la Pubblica Amministrazione Biagio Luca Zingales Ali Created: 02/12/2019
Control of the stress level of a plant in agriculture. Analysis using visual artificial intellige... 0 0 1 Agriculture AI Analysis Salvino Fidacaro Created: 01/11/2019