Automatically scores your darts and visually logs your history. Logs each round, and will scores... 3 0 0 Dart Scorer Bob Duffy Created: 11/28/2015
Runner-up of 49-day IoT Challenge sponsored by Allianz, Citi, Trackimo, TomTom, Philips, Panasoni... 2 0 0 Water Leakage Early Warning System with Intel Edison, NodeRed, Bluemix Cloud, Twilio Johnny Chan Created: 11/16/2016
Intel RealSense powered arcade game, controlled by using head and mouth 9 2 0 Space Mines Bob Duffy Created: 11/13/2015
enabling edler care facilties the ability to PREVENT cognitively impaired patients from wandering. 2 4 1 SensiCare Erika Harvey Created: 11/13/2016
Designed for your backyard, two mini drones play a game of strategy mixed with piloting skill. 4 0 1 Mini Drone Game Bob Duffy Created: 02/23/2016
b08 the Robot is in pre-seed stage and we are recruiting developers of all skills sets and of all... 2 0 2 b08 the Robot Steve Favis Created: 08/16/2016