Powered by deep learning technology, a mobile app for visually impaired - that can recognize Nepa... AI Spotlight Award 16 1 1 Cash Recognition for Visually Impaired Kshitiz Rimal Created: 09/13/2017
Using AI to detect objects in the scene, and passing data to the cloud 8 0 0 AI Vision Peter Ma Created: 07/05/2018
Using AI to train face recognition through Up2 board, Intel Movidius NCS, RealSense and Walabot r... 8 0 0 AI Facial Recognition Lock Peter Ma Created: 04/30/2018
Create a large network with mobile sensor nodes installed inside cars connected to each other. 2 1 0 Shared Sensor Network for Vehicles and Smart Roads Fabrizio Lapiello Created: 07/29/2017
Ships Livable room monitoring sensor network for safety, health, well-being and comfort onboard f... 2 0 1 Safety Sensors Networks on Ships Fabrizio Lapiello Created: 07/29/2017
Smart City Air Monitor uses air quality sensor attaching to the vehicle to monitor the air qualit... 0 0 0 Smart City Air Monitor Peter Ma Created: 06/29/2017
Your Emotion is determined by analyzing your facial expression and a choice of music is recommend... 0 0 0 Music Recommender based on Emotion determined by Facial Expression Su Ra Created: 09/14/2017
Gesture recognition enables humans to communicate with the machine (HMI) and interact naturally w... 1 0 0 Gesture Recognition System Siddhant Agarwal Created: 08/13/2017
A Virtual Reality driving school for those whom wants to get behind the wheel. 1 0 0 Drive VR Peter Ma Created: 03/30/2017