PC Concepting

New PC ideas, designs, from those passionate about the outcome

Core i9 13900KS Modded-builds

Core i9 13900KS Modded-builds

On January 12th, we showcased inspiring builds based on the i9 13900KS 6GHz milestone as a theme. The results are just stunning



概述/使用: 此裝置上的配件選用主要以能夠跑程式語言以及可以在課餘閒暇遊玩搭配,我將它取名為:WAH 選配方法:Intel的處理器能力是無庸置疑的,所以我決定在記憶體多下成本,讓整體工作效能提高。

US Student Challenge

US Student Challenge

Passionate about constructing class-act computers or pixel-perfect digital creations, it's time to show off your skills.